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Kwaku Osei-Bonsu

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let’s shape Your Welfare together

Welcome to our online presence.
The Ghana Association of Former International Civil Servants (GAFICS) constitutes former Ghanaian Professional Staff of the United Nations and other International Intergovernmental Organizations.

– Presidents (GIFACS)

Together We Rise: A Positive Impact for Everyone

mission driven leadership

health & education

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economic growth

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diplomatic relations

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Together We Rise: A Campaign for Everyone

We are committed to a stronger & better future

Committed to the United Nations principles of mutual understanding and cooperation and appreciate the opportunities they have had to acquire skills and expertise.


Lectures Done


Registered Members

reliability for Members

Leadership for Organizational Unity

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Join our exciting group of Experienced Civil Servants. Working to Foster unity and growth.

Together We Rise: A Campaign for Everyone

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Together We Rise: A Campaign for Everyone

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